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God of War


I am a major God of War fan, I have played every single game including the third one several times, so I was incredibly hyped to get the fourth or sixth God of War depending on how you count. Even better being able to get my hands on the Day One release.

God of War, as confusing a name as that is, obviously focuses on Kratos, the old Greek god of war. After killing off the Greek gods and finally coming to terms with his past and his weird relationship with his father, Zeus. I know it’s a spoiler but if you haven’t play the original, then I am not sorry, he is trying to put his violent past behind him and live as a family man. He plans a journey to release his wife’s ashes off the highest peak, when a strange man appears at his home. The Norse gods know who he is and are not happy that he is in their terrortry. Now on his journey to fulfil his wife’s last wish he must combat gods, elves and monsters and on top of all that raise his son.

Now before I continue yes I am biased but here me out.

The graphics and gameplay are stunning. The gameplay is fun and easy to use, but in the same breath it doesn’t play like the God of War of old. As much as I get the fact they had to modernize the gameplay I still would have liked a similar feel in gameplay.

The character arc of Kratos is awesome and I genuinely think it is the perfect continuation of his story. However Atreus, Kratos’s son, is annoying from the start and stay annoying throughout the game, in fact he gets more annoying. The villains are alright but I look forward to seeing the game’s version of Thor and Odin. If they need a voice actor for either, please contact me.

The music has a Lord of the Rings kind of style. This goes a long way to helping the player feel more for the characters.

Overall this game is incredible and I would definitely recommend it to anyone. It is also a great pickup if you have not played the other games. Overall Rating: 9.6/10

Recommend for: Mythology fanatics and any and everyone


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