I have good news, they have finally made a good Mortal Kombat film. The secret get the guys making the awesome DC animated films to make it and base it around the biggest badass in the Mortal Kombat franchise.
The story starts off with a pre-Scorpion Hanzo Hasashi taking care of his family. One day out with his son he comes home to discover that his village has been slaughtered by Sub-Zero's clan. After being killed Scorpion is resurrected in the Nether-Realm. After being offered the chance for revenge, he agrees to participate in the Mortal Kombat tournament.
The story is really good, but I would have preferred it if the focus stayed on Scorpion and his pursuit of vengeance instead of jumping between Scorpion and the original main characters, Lui Kang, Sonja Blade and Johnny Cage. They had so many possibilities with the story but due to the constant focal jumping was wasted and while the original three are fan favourites an argument can be made that Scorpion is more of a household name.
The animation is good as we have come to expect from Warner Brother Animation, but there is nothing that makes it unique beside the gore, fatality and x-ray attacks that help to bring a little of the Mortal Kombat fun, however that gore can be a bit much I do thoroughly appreciate the fatality scenes as a fan of the original games.
Overall I really enjoyed myself and look forward to more as this could be a budding project for Warner Brothers Animation outside of the normal DC animated movies. Maybe a story of Sub-Zero's brother coming for revenge of his brother's death but just focusing on him and what his brother's death has done to his mentality.
Overall Rating: 7.1/10
Recommended for: MK Fans, Scorpion Fans and the like